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Check Engine Light On? We’ll Check it for Free!

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Auto Repair in Lincoln, NE

At AAMCO Transmissions and Total Car Care of Lincoln, NE, our professional, highly-trained technicians can perform quality auto repairs on your vehicle using the latest technologies. When you bring your car in for service, we always conduct a thorough evaluation of your vehicle’s repair needs so that we can be 100% certain before moving forward with repairs. We also back all of our work with a comprehensive warranty.

Learn More About Our Services

AAMCO servicemen smiling

Why More Drivers Choose Us for Transmission Repairs

AAMCO of Lincoln, NE is a local company with a nationwide presence, and we understand that our reputation is tied to each and every customer who walks through our doors, which is why we make sure to provide honest, thorough, and complete service to everyone.

Top-Quality Service for Your Vehicle

Our services include transmission repair on both manual and automatic transmissions. If repair isn’t an option, we can rebuild or replace your vehicle’s transmission. We also offer free towing with any major transmission or auto repair. We provide complete electronic diagnostics (including the engine), TranScan and external diagnostics, differential repair and overhaul, brake service and repair, engine tune-up and fuel injection cleaning, steering and suspension repair, transfer case and differential service, and so much more. You can also count on us for factory-recommended maintenance and general auto repairs.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

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Book Your Car Repair Service

For all of your transmission and auto repair needs, you can depend on AAMCO of Lincoln, NE. We offer a local fleet program that will help keep your vehicles on the road with warranty coverage that is comparable to our national fleets. Call or stop in today to learn more.


3645 Adams Street
Lincoln, NE 68504

Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

3645 Adams Street, Lincoln, NE 68504, USA